Let’s Talk About Cannabis Topicals 

For a lot of people in the United States, the most preferred method of consuming cannabis is through smoking it. Smoking marijuana is also quite a broad category that allows for some differentiation within it. You can find people who like to smoke bongs, joints, blunts, or use vapes or other means of inhaling cannabis. Either way, it is actually one of the most popular forms of cannabis ingestion in the entire nation.

However, did you know that there are other forms of using cannabis that can be effective and allow for great medical health benefits? Today, we are going to be talking about some alternative forms of cannabis that do not involve inhaling it. The truth about medical marijuana patients that rely on cannabis to treat certain health conditions or chronic pain is that not all of them can smoke weed. Whether they do not want to deal with the smell or stigma, or they have an underlying condition that puts them at risk when smoking, they prefer to steer clear of it. In any case, it is also true that there are plenty of other options out there for them.

You can find cannabis products like edibles, tinctures and oils, and even topicals. Did that last one surprise you a bit? Well it shouldn’t! Cannabis topicals are actually extremely popular among older medical marijuana patients, and they produce a whole host of medical benefits. In this article today, I want to specifically talk about cannabis topicals and how they can be an effective treatment for anyone with medical marijuana. Of course, you need to make sure that using marijuana is legal in your state before you try your hand at cannabis topicals for yourself.

So first off, let’s talk about what sorts of cannabis topical products are out there for you to try. When you think of a standard topical product, what comes to mind? It is probably something like a cream or an ointment. Topicals are generally used to apply directly to an affected area in order to treat it. Cannabis topicals are not much different. However, you may be surprised at just how many different topical products you can find that have been infused with marijuana.

Cannabis topicals can generally be found in medical marijuana dispensaries depending on which state you live in, and they can help with a variety of symptoms and conditions. So what types of products can you find? Well, some of them help you to feel more relaxed and calm, others can condition and soften your skin, and they all have anti-inflammatory properties. You can pretty much find cannabis topicals in every form of standard health and beauty products.

Here are a few examples of some relevant marijuana topical products: bath oils, soaps, lip balms, shampoos, conditioners, oils, nail products, cosmetics, face masks. Lubricants, foot creams, lotions, salves, and much more! Honestly, there is no set product for cannabis topicals, you can find such a large variety. One example of patients using cannabis products in topical form is patients with diabetes. Many people that are diabetic have to take good care of their feet, because neuropathy can cause damage to the skin and nails on their feet. This can create painful cracking and bleeding. Foot creams with cannabis infused into them are great resources for patients that are affected by such conditions.

Cannabis topicals work by absorbing quickly through the skin into CB2 receptors that exist there. You can also make your own cannabis topicals at home with certain products just by adding some cannabis concentrate or oil, if you are worried about spending a lot of money for top of the line products.

Can You Take Back Your Sleep With Indica Strains of Marijuana?

All of us struggle to sleep from time to time. I know that I can have some pretty restless nights when I take a nap or drink caffeine too late in the day. I also know that I will be tired the next day, but hopefully the next night will offer some more restful and heavier sleep. However, sometimes we go through stages in our life where sleeping becomes a real challenge entirely.

With all that is going on in our busy lives, some of us may not be able to shut our brains down when it is time to go to bed. Have you ever heard of chronic insomnia? It basically refers to the inability to sleep for hours on end, weeks at a time. Chronic insomnia is brought on by a lot of different factors, but it is frequently associated with certain medical conditions. Sometimes physical conditions and pain symptoms can cause insomnia, while other individuals face insomnia related to anxiety or PTSD.

Either way, not getting enough sleep night over night can cause some real damage to our physical and emotional wellbeing. And no, I do not think it is a good idea to start taking ambien. Instead, I think that you should start trying marijuana. If you have never smoked weed before, you may be confused as to why I would suggest using it at all when it comes to sleeping better.

However, it is important to keep in mind that a lot of the chemical compounds found in cannabis can actually help our brains and bodies to feel more relaxed, calm, and sedated. This can lead to a great night’s sleep if you play your cards right. So today, I wanted to write this article for all the people out there that cannot get enough sleep at the moment.

So what happens if you don’t get enough sleep? Well, most people generally think that they will feel really tired and drained the next day, and this is true. However, there are some serious health problems that can take place when you don’t get enough sleep night after night. DId you know that insomnia impacts over 30% of the adults in the United States?

That means nearly 1 out of every 3 people you meet is not getting enough sleep at night. Your body and mind need sleep to function properly, and that includes fighting off certain infections and bacterias. When you do not get enough sleep at night, you can end up lowering your immune system and becoming more susceptible to diseases and viruses. You also have an increased chance of developing some more severe diseases like cancer, and it can even affect your memory. Overall, sleep is super important. So let’s talk about where marijuana comes in.

There are two main types of marijuana strains that most people use nowadays: indica and sativa. If you read the title of this article, you probably noticed that I already mentioned indica as the preferred strain type for sleeping. Indica is found in certain types of cannabis strains, and it is generally the type of THC that will make you feel much more relaxed and tired.

Sativa, in contrast, can increase your energy levels and make you feel more alert. You want to avoid taking sativa before going to bed. Indica is definitely the right choice for someone who is struggling to sleep at night. Using marijuana for sleep is becoming more and more common, but there is not a whole lot of scientific evidence to backup these occurrences. However, I would definitely recommend giving indica cannabis a try before you go back to the doctor for some other prescription medications.

Best THC Strains to Help you Sleep 

Insomnia is a total pain to work with, but did you know that cannabinoids can help with it. When you use cannabis, it can affect the ECS of the brain, offering different chemicals that bind directly towards the receptors, sending the messages to improve the adenosine in the body, increasing tiredness, and also reducing the arousal of the body as well. THC, CBD, and CBN, along with the flavonoids and terpenes all work together to help with this. Terpinolene, beta-caryophyllene, and limonene are all some of the top terpenes that can help with reducing the arousal effects in this. 

Some people who are inexperienced may want to not use the high-THC products before they sleep. CBD is better for alertness at lower levels, and it can help you sleep at higher levels. CBD may also reduce the amount of anxiety that’s in THC, so the combination is vital for fighting insomnia. 

Some research finds that some users like to use marijuana, especially with PTSD, chronic pain, MS, and other disorders. It can help people fall and stay asleep, improving the quality of sleep. It’s important to try different strains, since not every single one of them works. Lots like to take edibles, as it’s a much higher concentration, but be mindful that it can cause anxiety. 

The Best Strains to Help Sleep 

You want to go for something with low THC in it. Ringo’s gift is a great one that has a 3:1 CBD to THC ratio, and it is soothing, relaxing, and it won’t make you stoned. It also has myrcene, caryophyllene, pinene, and also limonene. Bubba Kush is another one. This is mild and has moderate amounts of this, but it has a lot of myrcene, which is great for sedating before sleep. 

Harle-Tsu is another one that has up to 24% CBD within it, and it can help with disrupting the inflammation and pain in it. With the beta-caryophyllene in it, it soothes the body, and it’s great for those who want CBD strains to use. 

ACDC is another one that’s great for relaxing. It’s got some THC, but the best part about this is the beta-pinene and the alpha-pinene, which is calming, anti-inflammatory, and the like. Cannatonic is great, since this is much more practical for discomfort and pain, and it has a lot of limonene and beta-caryophyllene, which helps with inflammation, and anxiety too. 

Critical Kush is another one that has a little more THC than the others, but it’s great for boosting the mood, and making you relaxed. Some people do believe that it can make you feel very happy and relaxed, but it also is something that helps with reducing the insomnia that’s in te body. It also has a high amount of myrcene and beta-caryophyllene, which is super abundant as well. 

All of these strains have lower levels of THC in them than others. If you want to use something with a higher amount of THC in it, then go on ahead, however not everyone can handle that, so if you’re someone who is new to the THC game, wants to try something new, or is curious about the way you’re able to improve the way you sleep, you’ll be able to, with this, create the best and most profound ways for you to induce and create the best results that you can, and really improve the way that you’re able to sleep, feel good about yourself, and definitely improve your health and wellness too through the use of this great supplement to help sleep. 

Outdoor Vs. indoor Cannabis Hydroponics 

Hydroponics are something gorgeous that we see all the time online. However, most pictures are shown with them being under a bunch of grow lights or using electronics to power it. However, hydro growers are able to thrive in other areas outside, and also inside as well. 

Making cannabis grow hydroponically is actually not bad for it. It’s the most efficient way to use water, offers faster growth, better yields, and you control the nutrition of the plant.  Outdoor growth is something that can really take you cannabis to the next  best level. 

Hydroponics Vs. Soil-Grown 

There are a few differences between each of these. 

Whether you’re using a special growing medium, or some synthetic or organic fertilizer, you’re going to be feeding the soil to feed the plants. 

However, with hydro, some water-soluble nutrients are fed directly into the roots, making contact with your root systems. There, instead of letting the roots expand directly into the soil location, they go into air or water, and those that are completely submerged get oxygen through air stones, and the roots then hand free using techniques such as ebb and flow. 

It might seem like hydroponic isn’t totally necessary, since it does use a ton of water.  However, if you use different ways to help with reduction of water, it can also help to educe the amount used. Hydro systems including Kratky and DWC do require that the water to be single-grown within a reservoir, and other techniques to help keep the solution constantly flowing helps with this. Soil growing actually ends up using far more water due to evaporation and runoff. 

Hydroponic have come a long way, with many agriculturists using them as a way to help with cannabis growth, including the growth of cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, and even other herbs as well. This system stacking does mean that the producers of food can as well grow a lot more in much less space, and it does save on large amounts of water as well. 

Indoor or Outdoor? 

There are different aspects that go into growing hydroponic mediums, and there are some variables that go into it. 

First is cost.  Hydroponically growing items does require a large investment, especially depending on the setup. Some of the indoor growers may use a tent, or they need to also use lights that are high-quality, so that their electric bill doesn’t get terrible in the process. You also need fans and dehumidifiers, and that as well eats the setup costs. 

There is also a major contrast between this and outdoor growing.  You don’t need a ton to work with this, and usually, the Kratky method is one of the best to help with this, but you do need to run various pumps. 

As for space, growing outdoors offers much more space, as you can grow more usually, and it also helps reduce mold and other overcrowding. However, with more space, you can also choose more selections. You can go with smaller varieties or even sativa plants that go along with the big, bushy indica.  Usually, the indoor growers have a lot less to choose from. 

As for control, that’s where indoors shrines. Although outside growing does offer less costs and more space, you don’t get to control the temperature, air circulation, or the humidity. Outdoor growing does expose your plants to many more elements, so you need to factor in winds, torrential rainfall, and even droughts and heatwaves. 

Both have their pros and cons, and here, we went over the benefits and drawbacks of each, and why growers may use it. 

Is CBD Safe for kids? 

Some children have conditions and they may wonder if CBD is safe for them to use. Here, we’ll go over whether it’s safe for children to use, and some of the conditions surrounding this as well. 

CBD for Kids

There are a few reasons for people to consider using CBD to help kids.  There are some studies that have looked at this. First and foremost, anxiety is something that does have CBD as a possible way to treat the condition.  There is some studies that noticed that if you do take CBD to help with this, do be mindful of other treatments as well. 

Right now, there is some research that says that anxiety can be treated with this, but the ADHD research for CBD is very sparse, and it’s not conclusive. Right now, there is no major difference between those who used it, and those who did not. However, for epilepsy, it does help, and it can help possibly improve some of the treatment—resisting conditions, and it can definitely improve a lot of this.  There were some results which did show that there was a difference between those who had CBD and those who don’t, and it also did have less adverse results as well. 

So is it Safe for Kids? 

This is something that we can’t totally answer, simply because of the lack of research related to CBD. On the outside, it seems safe enough, in that it has a good safety profile for a child, and even the WHO does say that it does have minimal risk factors in this. However, there is some research which came out recently that noticed that CBD does have a link directly to an enzyme count that’s higher within the liver, and this is preliminary research, and was conducted on some of animal subjects rather than actually on human people that participated in this. 

It’s something that doesn’t really have a human base to it, but it’s still something to be a little bit cautious about. However, but also keep in mind that it is random in the way that it’s used, and it’s best if you stay cautious of this, since this is something that’s still being studied. It’s best to ensure that there isn’t any breastfeeding occurring if you take this, and if you’re pregnant you should also not worry all that much about taking this, since it can impact the child. 

You also should not give this to infants and babies, since there are effects which are unknown in this. However, there are some CBD medications that are actually safe for kids to use.  Epidolex, which is CBD-based, is authorized in many countries to help with the treatment of different epilepsy conditions, especially if the child is drug-resistant in their condition itself. 

So there might be a few instances where you can use this for the treatment of their condition, but it’s best if you do discuss this with a doctor before you jump into using this. They can help you figure out the right thing to use, and from there, you can always try it as well to see if there is anything else which might help. 

While CBD is something tons of adults absolutely love, there are a lot of concerns about giving it to kids, simply because there isn’t a ton of information on this. It’s very important that for those who do use CBD for kids tat they do the research necessary, and also to look at some of the other aspects that go along with this as well. 

All about Wet Weed 

Wet weed is something that you don’t want with your weed. It’s not good for lighting up, doesn’t burn, and the buds have no flavor to them. it can happen when the buds are not properly cured and dried, but it also comes from it being wrong, the conditions being too humid for storing, spillage of this, and also rain and other issues. Wet and cured weed are definitely different. 

The difference 

Wet and cured weed have some obvious differences that go along with this. For example, if the buds are still holding a them near the top, you can bend it.  If it is able to crinkle and crunch, that’s a sign that it’s cured and dried.  If it’s moist, then yes, that is wet weed. Smelling it definitely is something that also will tell you. Cured weed smells like well, weed. Wet wed smells more like grass than weed, and it can also have an ammonia or generally unpleasant smell to it. 

Grinding is another one.  Dry bud breaks easily even with scissors but wet weed sticks if you do break this apart. You can also smoke it. You’ll realize that this isn’t something that’s able to be lit up, or maybe it’ll taste a lot less like weed and more like an ammonia, or a foul taste to it. 

Is it Dangerous? 

Well, if there is mold on it, yes.  It will make you feel sick, and you’ll feel nauseous, vomit, and cough a lot. In most cases, as long as you don’t have heart disease or lung disease, there isn’t any issue with smoking weed that’s moldy. 

There are those that also may have allergic reaction from bad spores, and it can make their lungs feel inflamed. If your immune system isn’t very strong, inhaling this can cause issues with the nervous system, respiratory system, and the lungs as well, and it can definitely be caused by mold. If you do smoke cannabis that may be moldy, be mindful of it, and contact the doctor right away if you’re worried about the health concerns associated with it. 

How to avoid this 

Well, the first thing that you should make sure is that you dry and cure the buds that are there, and make sure that you also do dry and cure the buds correctly. Drying them and curing them is fine, but if you do it wrong, it will compromise the quality. It’s best that once you harvest the bud, you let it sit or hang in a place that’s cool, dark, and dry, before you cure this. You should not take any shortcuts with this, but instead, take time, and follow these conditions. 

Exposing them to air, heat, or light does offer a speedier drying process, but it impacts the cannabinoids and terpenes, which will make this all sub-par in most cases you want to bake the buds if you’re going to release the THC, but don’t put them in there when trying to dry them, because it can definitely impact this. 

You should only dry them like that if they accidentally spilled on the ground or in some water and need to be cleaned off fast. If you’re going to dry this, you should try to do it in safe ways. Make sure that when you’re done, you cure them correctly by storing them in containers that are dark, won’t allow air or water in, and also are easy to store them. If you notice that the weed is wetter than usual, stop smoking it and fix the problem fast!